A look back at the real-world evidence year of 2021
With the ninth Health from Data blog post and the end of the year closing in, it’s time to take a look back at the year 2021. This year I have written about real-world evidence and the different manners of utilizing it. The uniqueness of the Finnish RWE ecosystem was also the topic of one post. Our guest writer Iiro started a new blog series called World of Methodologies and kicked the series of with a post on machine learning.

I named the year 2021 as the year of real-world evidence. The previous year 2020 saw some 1 000 RWE related scientific publications. The interest around real-world evidence is ever growing. I asked my readers to vote on how many RWE related scientific publications year 2021 would entail. My readers guessed that 2021 would see some 1 500 RWE publications.
Currently PubMed covers 1 212 published RWE studies (16.12.2021 keyword “real world evidence”) published this year. That’s already almost 300 publications more than the previous year and the number will most likely still grow before the end of the year. Our guess was pretty close to the truth!
I wish all my readers happy holidays! I see a busy RWE year 2022 coming up!
Which blog post was your favorite this year? Vote your favorite blog and let me know what topics you would like to read about next year!
2021 Health from Data blog posts:
- What is Health from Data? (03/2021)
- From todays treatment to future medicine (03/2021)
- Six ways to utilize real-world evidence (04/2021)
- World of methodologies | First peek (05/2021)
- History of Real-World Evidence (06/2021)
- What makes Finland’s real world data special? Four ingredients for success. (08/2021)
- World of methodologies | Supervised machine learning and classifiers (10/2021)
- What happens to a patient in real life is visible through Real-World Evidence (11/2021)